Wednesday 8 April 2009

Burning Down the House

"Walk-ins" is an idea I have encountered twice in the last 2 days. Yesterday on the web I came across the idea that Hitler may have been one & now I am watching an X-File on the subject. Some believe that if one becomes suicidal one is open to possession by a spirit or demon. Hitler arrived in Munich a nobody with no direction in life, no interest in politics and no history of anti-Semitism.
About 10 years ago I set fire to my previous Housing Assn. Flat while apparently sleepwalking although I had not gone to sleep in bed as is my custom.
[dammmit I'm too tired. It'ts 5.00pm & I cannot stay awake; must be relapsing.]
During the first few years of ME I suffered periods of such exteme malaise and fatigue I wanted to die. I joined the VES so I could buy Final Exit and made a living will, DNR. I read suicide NGs and talk.euthanasia - the NG of www.churchofeuthanasia.org . I was not suicidal at the time of the dissociative episodes that culminated in the fire. In fact I was going out to The Star and Garter to see Death Metal bands. Somewhat out of character in fact I even bought a Blood for Blood black vest which I've never worn. On ADP I asserted that we have no free will and there is indeed no objective evidence we have.
The paradox:

We have to believe in our own free will.

we have no choice in the matter.

I am now of the opinion that we must act as if we have free will or we may act as if possessed by a demon. I was not in control of my own actions on several occassions before the fire and have no memory of most of them. For about 2 years I had no better explanation of the fire than Demonic Possession but found this hard to believe. Eventually I saw a TV program about people who killed for no reason and had no memory of it. They were acquitted after sleep experts showed that they could have been sleepwalking. T.B.C.

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